Day: 24 August 2019

Abdullah and Amina

This is Abdullah and Amina, two sparkling lights who just visited the Orphfund shop. They’ve just made my day having left a super generous donation to help out our work. (The kindest one in 12 years of doing this market!) thanks and happy travels @_akz1

Journey begins

This is where their journey begins…Without doubt the most important and emotional aspect of our work is meeting kids like Kabba and his siblings. We met them in Katala – a remote village in Sierra Leone, during a day spent searching villages looking for those who have lost everything. With no parents or support network …

Journey begins Read More »

Yikes, snakes

Yikes! Imagine taking your shower and seeing a 3 metre cobra wrapped up beside your head! This is Aisha and it’s her story. Luckily her scream alerted care worker David who is totally fearless and dealt with the snake. Now we are looking at building indoor showers and toilets to limit these close encounters.

345,480 meals every year!

Wow! After a bit of number crunching I’ve worked out we provide 345,480 meals every year to help keep our kids fed and healthy. I had no idea! What a big responsibility to have and totally Inspiring given our relatively low budget and volunteer base. Real impact is all about the $’s getting there!