Cael. This is One Incredible Volunteer, Inspiring us All.

Age is no limit. Eight year old Cael redefines the meaning of inspiration. 

A while ago we mentioned that Cael was working on something exciting, that he hoped would help to raise awareness of Orphfund and their incredible work in setting up life changing, self-sustaining grassroots projects for communities in Uganda, Sierra Leone and Kenya. 
Well, on Sunday the Barbie ‘ You Can Be Anything ‘ campaign officially launched with Cael as one of their 3 Ambassadors and now you may see him on your television, talking about his fundraising efforts over the past couple of years as an OrphFund Ambassador and encouraging other children to chase their own dreams! 
He is so thankful to all the wonderful people who worked with him on this heartwarming project and very, very grateful to have been chosen to share a little of his story.

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