June 4
I’m warming to this place.
It’s not the excruciating heat, it’s the kids.
This orphanage was set up 7-8 years ago so kids have grown – the oldest is 18, and the youngest probably 5.
Usually the older ones who are clever go to boarding school, but it seems there aren’t many such schools here. That’s one of the challenges… how to pay or what to do if there isn’t one.
We are researching better school options here now, including starting a good school here – for the kids and also as a sustainable model. So here, there are 2/3 in primary n 1/3 in secondary.
Great kids… about half of this lot were found on rubbish tips picking food scraps to stay alive. Now they wear the flash school uniforms and are getting first, second and third out of classes of 60-70 students.
Bet they never thought they were that kind of person! But they sure are.